“Keith the Cat-Cow: The Heartwarming Tale of a One-of-a-Kind Feline”

Keith the Cat Cow

The internet’s cat enthusiasts have an affinity for chonky cats, as well as cow cats. When these two favorites are combined, a charming feline is born, like Keith the Cat-Cow from the United Kingdom. Keith’s family can attest that he is not only cute, but also affectionate and kind-hearted at the age of nine. His cat mom shared on Instagram that they rescued Keith when he was six months old, sickly and malnourished. Despite his health issues, Keith had a lively and playful personality. He became a constant companion and the best friend of his cat mom’s daughter, who has autism and had difficulty making friends. I contacted Keith’s cat mom to highlight his story, and she kindly consented. Prepare to fall in love with this exceptional feline.

Keith The Cat-Cow

Can you recount the story of how Keith became a member of your family? It all started in 2013 when my daughter and I were actively volunteering at a local cat rescue center. One day, a small kitten was brought in after being found on the streets. Sadly, he was not in the best condition due to cat flu and gastrointestinal issues resulting from his unhygienic living conditions. Despite almost a month of treatment, the kitten wasn’t showing any signs of improvement. However, my daughter, who is on the autism spectrum, developed a bond with him. The kitten would follow her around and climb on her shoulders while she worked. Worried about the kitten’s welfare, I decided to give him a chance by taking him home. I didn’t inform my daughter that I had taken him to a vet for testing due to fears of FIV and FeLV, both of which could affect our other cats. Coincidentally, it was Charlie’s birthday the following day, and she expected us to bring something to the shelter, but instead, we went to the vet and brought home the six-month-old kitten. In terms of his name, Charlie initially called him “Spartacus” because she believed he was a warrior. However, his playful and silly nature didn’t match the name, so we renamed him Keith. Charlie decided on the name after the comedian Keith Lemon since our furry friend was also a source of endless laughter.

Keith the Cat-Cow

Keith the Cat-Cow

I’ve noticed that Keith looks like he’s lost some weight lately! Can you tell me how he managed to shed those pounds? It turns out that Keith has been struggling with his weight for quite some time. In fact, he’s been on a strict veterinary diet since he was just one year old and weighed a whopping 5.5kg. Despite our efforts to limit his food intake, he continued to overeat and even resorted to scavenging for food in bins when he was outside. Unfortunately, this led to some serious health issues and stress every time we tried to restrict his diet. Even after switching him to an indoor lifestyle, his weight continued to increase, and we were at a loss as to what to do. We’ve done countless expensive tests, but his vet believes that he may have an issue with his pituitary gland. However, the risk of putting him through an MRI and anesthesia is just too high. So now, our main priority is to prevent any further weight gain by controlling his food intake and slowing down his eating. Despite these setbacks, Keith is still a very active cat, and we’re constantly trying new things to help him maintain a healthy weight.

Keith the Cat Cow

Keith the Cat Cow

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